my weekend was perfect thanks to lex, haden, and a select few others
i spend friday with haden thanks to the lovely rain canceling the game
remind me to write a thank you letter to zeus later.
then saturday we had preference
and sunday i was with haden again
while still accomplishing some other tasks
i am however not excited for this week
because monday and tuesday haden has games
wednesday i have tons of test to take at the college
thursday may be a good day
friday will be bad as well as saturday
i will be bored :/
sunday as usual is a day that saves my bad week
we are going up to a pond and taking pictures with lex
i am rather excited
idk why
i think its just because i like being with him
my mother is certain that relationships are over rated and that
no matter what they'll never last
oh well even if this doesn't last forever i will enjoy the remainder of this relationship
i truly think i am the luckiest girl ever