Wednesday, May 4

40 day dream

my lack of posting really is due to my lack of pictures :/ 
my camera needs to be
well that probably wont happen for a while
so don't expect too much out of me
but i have mostly spend the past few days
traveling, hanging out with haden, and in school
gee i wish my world was more exciting
oh well i have a puppy named bella
a boyfriend named haden, that i love
and a great friend named lex
i'm content
it will get better. any who i found a picture that reminded me of all of those people
i know strange right?
well it reminds me of lex because it is our dream to own a polaroid camera
oh what i would do for one
and it reminds me of haden because i love pictures with him
i think we are rather adorable
and it reminds me of bella because i have alot of pictures of her hanging on a string like this on my fridge :)