Wednesday, August 4

family :)

i have one of the most amazing families in the world. we have been through the worst and the best times in the world and yet we all still love eachother. my sister is probably one of the funniest people i know she awesome :) then there is my brother he is a trrouble maker and a heart breaker but i love him so much and he has taught me that no matter what everyone deserves a second chance because people can change it may take a while and a few tries but it is possible. he is one of those people he has made alot of mistakes but he has made up for it over time and proved that he is an amazing trustworthy person :) then there are my parents who act like teenagers and are atatched at the hip its ridiculous :) when one moves the other moves they even work together but the are hillarious and the least judgemental people i know they love everyone  :) and that is my lovely family :)